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Headsweats Ambassador Discount Code

Headsweats Ambassador Discount Code

I am extremely proud to have been selected to the 2019-2021 Headsweats Ambassador team!

Headsweats hats have been a key running necessity for me since I began running races back in 2010. In fact, Headsweats hats are so durable I am still wearing the same hats I bought way back then and I don’t think I have many pieces of running gear that have held up so well despite countless bouts with the washer and dryer.

One of my personal favorites is the Headsweats’ race hats. While the designs have changed slightly over the years, since I purchased my first one 9 years ago, the current sleeker designs still offer an unparalleled product.

Recently, I started using one of Headsweats’ reversible beanies during the wet and windy days here in So Cal, and I absolutely loved it! It’s tough to run and feel weighed down or bulky, and this beanie was warm without the heft of a lot of its counterparts.

One of the great things about this family of products is that they have developed a line to meet the needs of every type of athlete. From snowboarding to running to biking, you can find something that will meet your needs and do it with a bit of style too.

So If you run, cycle or do anything that involves sweating, I would highly recommend giving Headsweats a try and if you use my code ‘Imhoff40’ you will get 40% off your purchase!

Check Out Headsweats

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